The research questions with the corresponding objectives
Main Research Question: How can we arrive at a comparative understanding of basic education policy in the Nordic countries while keeping the subject of study mobile and fluid and at the same time allowing comparison with other policy fields? | Main Research Objective: To develop and validate an approach focusing on dynamics in policy-making and governance, family educational strategies and classroom cultures, reconstructed by relations between policy threads, actors and institutions in an empirical comparative study focusing on the Nordic countries |
Research Question | Research Goals |
Q1: How can we account for the fact that an education policy field is constructed of power relations and is in constant motion? | O1: To develop a relational approach based on dynamics in education politics |
Q2: How can we take into consideration the specific importance and roles of the context, structure, institutions and agency? | O2: To develop a post-linear approach based on complexity and contingency in education politics |
Q3: How can we take into consideration the specific relations between the global, the regional, the national and the local? | O3: To develop a socio-historical approach based on trans-nationality in education politics |
Q4: How are the different cases to be compared in terms of dynamics in education politics? | O4: To develop analytical modelling including both causal-linear and relativistic relations of the research subject |