Teachers‘ professional autonomy and working conditions in Icelandic Compulsory schools
What is Teachers‘ professional autonomy and working conditions in Icelandic Compulsory schools?
In recent years, there have been changes in Icelandic society due to increased inequality and the concentration of wealth in certain areas in the capital area. These changes have affected the composition of students in schools and the working environment of teachers.

The aim of this study is to investigate how experienced teachers experience these changes in the school community and how their working conditions and professional independence are determined by the social context in which their school operates. The study is a case study based on Bourdieu’s theory.
- Students with challenging behavior in primary school : impressions and experience of classroom teachers
- Ragna Lára Jakobsdóttir [MA thesis]. 2019
- Professional working conditions in Icelandic upper-secondary schools during the last twenty years : perspectives of teachers and governors
- Ásgerður Bergsdóttir [MA thesis]. 2019
- „We are in a privileged neighborhood“ : the working conditions and professional autonomy of teachers in middle class neighborhoods
- Sólveig Edda Ingvarsdóttir [MA thesis]. 2018
- Teacher´s working condition and professional autonomy in schools located in disadvantaged school area in Reykjavik, Iceland
- Jóhanna Sveinbjörnsdóttir [MA thesis]. 2017
- “Between a rock and a sledgehammer“: Teachers‘ experience of obstacles to reach inclusivity at the end of the compulsory school
- Guðbjörg Ólafsdóttir [MA thesis]. 2017

- Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir, professor
- Sólveig Edda Ingvarsdóttir, special ed. teacher
- Jóhanna Rakel Sveinbjörnsdóttir, department head