Ph.D. 2014, Univ. of Cambridge. Professor in Educational Studies at the School of education, University of Iceland.

Gerður G. Óskarsdóttir
Ph.D. 1994, U.C.L.A Berkeley.

Brynja Elisabeth Halldórsdóttir
Ph.D. 2014, Univ. of Minnesota. Assistant Professor at the School of education, University of Iceland.

Gunnlaugur Magnússon
Ph.D. 2012, Mälardalen University. Associate Professor at the Department of Education, University of Uppsala.

Jón Ingvar Kjaran
Ph.D. 2015, Univ. of Iceland. Professor at the School of Education, University of Iceland.

Ólafur Páll Jónsson
Ph.D. 2001, MIT. Professor at the School of Education, University of Iceland.

Eva Harðardóttir
Doctoral Graduate Student. Adjunct Professor at the School of education, University of Iceland.

Sigrún Ólafsdóttir
Ph.D. 2007, Indiana University. Professor at the School of social sciences, University of Iceland.

Hermína Gunnþórsdóttir
Ph.D. 2014, Univ. of Iceland. Professor at the School of education, University of Iceland.
Collaborators on the Research Projects

Auðardóttir, Auður Magndís
Postdoctoral researcher
Participates in PAPIS, MAPS og Working conditions and professional independence of primary school teachers.

Baek, Chanwoong
Postdoctoral Fellow
Participates in POL-NET.

Bergsdóttir, Ásgerður
Upper-secondary school teacher
Participates in Upper-secondary school choices.

Bernelius, Venla
Participates in MAPS.

Boterman, Willem
Assistant Professor
Participates in MAPS.

Dillabough, Jo-Anne
Participates in I-PIC.

Garðarsdóttir, Unnur Edda
Adjunkt Lecturer
Participates in Upper-secondary school choices.

Hansen, Petteri
PhD Researcher
Participates in DYNO.

Harðardóttir, Eva
Adjunct Lecturer
Participates in PAPIS and I-PIC

Hólmarsdóttir, Halla
Participates in I-PIC.

Huilla, Heidi
PhD Researcher
Participates in MAPS.

Bernadette Hörmann
Tekur þátt í POL-NET.

Ingvarsdóttir, Sólveig Edda
Special ed. teacher
Pariticipates in Working conditions and professional independence of primary school teachers

Jónasson, Jón Torfi
Professor emeritus
Participates in POL-NET.

Jónsson, Ólafur Páll
Participates in I-PIC.

Juvonen, Sara
Senior Lecturer
Participates in MAPS.

Karseth, Berit
Participates in POL-NET.

Kauko, Jaakko
Participates in POL-NET.

Kosunen, Sonja
Assistant Professor
Participates in DYNO and MAPS.

Lappalainen, Sirpa
Adjunct Professor
Participates in MAPS.

Lay, Elizabeth Bik Yee
Doctoral Student
Participates in MAPS and PAPIS

Magnúsdóttir, Berglind Rós
Participates in every research.

Magnússon, Gunnlaugur
Postdoctoral Fellow
Participates in POL-NET.

Nordin, Andreas
Associate Professor
Participates in MAPS

Paulle, Bowen
Assistant professor
Participates in MAPS

Pizmony-Levy, Oren
Associate Professor
Participates in POL-NET.

Reder, Trine Juul
Postdoctoral Fellow
Participates in POL-NET.

Santos, Íris
Doctoral Researcher
Participates in POL-NET.

Seppänen, Piia
Tekur þátt í MAPS.

Sivesind, Kirsten
Associate Professor
Participates in POL-NET.

Stefánsson, Kolbeinn Hólmar
Assistant Professor
Participates in MAPS.

Steiner-Khamsi, Gita
Participates in POL-NET.

Sveinbjörnsdóttir, Jóhanna Rakel
Department Head
Participates in Working conditions and professional independence of primary school teachers.

Tiplic-Lunde, Dijana
Department Head
Participates in POL-NET.

Tzaninis, Yannis
PhD Researcher
Participates in MAPS.

Varjo, Janne
Associate Professor
Participates in DYNO.

Volmari, Saija
Postdoctoral Fellow
Participates in POL-NET.

Whalström, Ninni
Participates in POL-NET.

Wallenius, Tommi
PhD Researcher
Participates in DYNO.

Wolff, Charlotte
Adjunct Professor
Participates in MAPS.

Ydersen, Christian
Participates in POL-NET.