Articles & published content: CHOICES

Magnúsdóttir, B. R., & Kosunen S., (in review). The selected few in the Urban North: Upper-secondary school choices in Reykjavík and Helsinki. In A. Rasmussen & M. Dovemark (Eds.), Upper Secondary Education in the Nordic Countries: Governance and Choice (pp. xx). Springer.

Magnúsdóttir, B. R., & Garðarsdóttir, U. E. (2022). Mótun verðuga sjálfsins í menntaskólanum. Íslenska þjóðfélagið, 13(1), 17-32. Retrieved from

Bergsdóttir, Á., & Magnúsdóttir, B. R., (2018). Professional working conditions in Icelandic upper-secondary schools during the last twenty years: Narratives of policy and socio-cultural changes in neoliberal times. Netla.

Magnúsdóttir, B. R., & Garðarsdóttir, U. E., (2018). “Not my type of people!” Students’ narratives of choosing the ‘right’ school for academic tracks in Iceland. Netla

Harðardóttir, E. & Magnúsdóttir, B. R., (2018). „Moving in the Dark“: Exploring Representations of Refugee Youth Through Icelandic Public Policy Documents and Teachers Narratives. Icelandic Review of Politics & Administation

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