After two days of intense discussions and planning of future publications, the research group organised a double symposium at the Annual meeting of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA).
Time and place: Mar. 6, 2019 2:00 PM–6:30 PM, Blåsenhus, Uppsala University

We would like to thank Professor Gita Steiner-Khamsi and the TC Columbia Team for all preparatory work, all partners for wonderful presentations and Tone Kvernbekk (University of Oslo) and Daniel Pettersson (University of Gävle) for their thoughtful and engaging comments as discussants.
Double Symposium: Part I
Chair: Kirsten Sivesind, University of Oslo
Discussant: Tone Kvernbekk, University of Oslo
The politics of expertise: What to make of fragmented and specialized policy knowledge?
Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Teachers College, Columbia University
Berit Karseth, University of Oslo
Methodological approach: Bibliometric network analysis
Chanwoong Baek, Teachers College, Columbia University
Reform of 2015/2018 in Sweden, the renewal entitled: A gathering for school – National strategy for knowledge and equivalence
Andreas Nordin, Linnaeus University
Ninni Wahlström, Linnaeus University
Double Symposium: Part II
Chair: Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Teachers College, Columbia University
Discussant: Daniel Pettersson, University of Gävle
Policy knowledge in the Finnish Curriculum Reform
Jaakko Kauko, University of Tampere
Saija Volmari, University of Helsinki
Juho Anturaniemi, University of Tampere
Elina Kuparinen, University of Tampere
Íris Santos, University of Tampere
Global influences of the 2013 Danish Public School Reform
Trine Juul Reder, Aalborg University
Christian Ydesen, Aalborg University
What counts as evidence in recent Icelandic reform policy? The role of OECD
Berglind Rós Magnúsdóttir, University of Iceland
Jón Torfi Jónasson, University of Iceland
Knowledge sources in crafting school reform policy: The case of Norway
Bernadette Hörmann, University of Oslo
Berit Karseth, University of Oslo
Kirsten Sivesind, University of Oslo
Dijana Tiplic, University of Oslo